
This page is updated to show the workflow with our new platform.

Opening an Account for Class

DETERLab accounts for class use can be created by instructors at any institution. Students need to take no action to create an account. Their instructor creates an account for them.


For more information on using DETERLab for education, please refer to the DETERLab in Class. Instructors: When creating a new account, please select your password wisely. See our password guidelines.

Requesting a New Project for Class - Instructors only


If you already have a DETERLab account, please login first. This will help streamline the process.

  • If you are an instructor who wants to request a new project on DETERLab, fill out the ​New Project Application Form.
  • Upon submission, your application must be approved by the DETER Executive Committee; this generally takes a few days. They may contact you and ask for clarification.
  • You will receive an email notification upon approval and your user account will be active. You may then log in with the username and password you entered on the form.
  • If you are curious about the progress on your application, you may ​contact us.

Creating Accounts for Your TA and Students

DO NOT ask students or TAs to open accounts themselves. You will create accounts for them. They will be able to access class materials on our old platform and to perform experiments on our new platform.


If this is a repeat offering of the class, make sure to recycle all accounts first (see how). Materials will remain in the class so you can reuse them in the current offering if you like. Remember to change the visibility of materials manually (see how in Manage materials).

To create accounts:

  1. Copy and paste your students' (or TA's) emails, one per line. Account creation takes up to a minute per student.
  2. When accounts are created, the system will automatically email the students/TAs, so make sure to alert them to the fact that you are signing them up for a DETERLab account. Students and TAs will receive their username and password in email. Passwords cannot be changed by TAs/students.


If you or your TAs/students later desire to use DETERLab in research please use our new platform to apply for an account. Class accounts are only for class use.

Getting Help

If you run into trouble, please ​contact us and we will be happy to assist.