Operating System Images
Here is the list of currently supported DETERLab operating system images. If you have a DETERLab account, you can view the most updated information as well as statistics on each machine on the OSID page on the testbed.
Supported OS Images as of 01/19/2017
Name | OS | Description |
FBSD10-STD | FreeBSD | FreeBSD 10.x Standard |
CentOS6-64-STD | Linux | CentOS6 64-Bit image |
CentOS7-STD | Linux | CentOS7 64 bit |
KALI-RLG | Linux | Kali 2016.1 Penetration Testing |
Metasploitable2 | Linux | An intentionally vulnerable system |
Ubuntu1404-32-STD | Linux | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 32 bit Standard Image |
Ubuntu1404-64-STD | Linux | Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bit Standard Image |
Ubuntu1604-STD | Linux | Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 64 bit Standard Image |
Updates for Custom Images
Updating Linux images made before Jan 25, 2013
We made a change to make mounting NFS home directories more robust. You may update your custom images by running:
sudo curl --output /usr/local/etc/emulab/liblocsetup.pm boss.isi.deterlab.net/downloads/client-update/linux-liblocsetup.pm
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/etc/emulab/liblocsetup.pm
and taking a snapshot.
On CentOS-6-64-STD you must to install Time::HiRes by running:
sudo yum install perl-Time-HiRes